November 16, 2016

What You Need To know Before Falling In Love With A Girl Who Travels

By Carly Beall In Journal 4 minutes

I’ve seen a few articles floating around the internet about why you should  or should not fall in love with a girl who travels. As someone who has had a couple relationships come to an end because of my desire to travel the world, I found this topic interesting. But to tell someone why they should or shouldn’t date a specific type of person seems odd to me. Everyone is unique, and what may be considered a strength in one relationship could just as easily be considered a weakness in another, it just depends on the people involved. So instead of trying to sway you one way or another, I thought I’d just lay out some of the characteristics of women who love to travel, just so you can understand that nomadic beauty a little better.

In love with a girl who travels

What You Need To Know Before You Fall In Love With A Girl Who Travels

// She will never truly be happy in one place. Like the lyrics of one of my favourite Zac Brown Band songs says – “you got a gypsy soul to blame and you were born for leaving”.

// She enjoys surprises, spontaneity, and has chosen to live a life characterized by uncertainty. To her, the feeling of the ‘unknown’ is a thrill, it keeps her guessing. No matter the situation, she just likes to go with the flow and follow her heart because she knows she can handle whatever life throws her way.

// She is smart, independent, strong, and confident. Unfortunately some people find this intimidating, but that’s the last thing she wants to be. She just knows who she is and what her passions are and she knows that at the end of the day, you are responsible for your own happiness.

// She’s used to ‘goodbyes’ but that doesn’t mean she likes them. She’s had so many people come and go from her life that she’s gotten used to walking away without looking back but believe me, she wishes she didn’t have to say goodbye. She still thinks of you often and she still misses you, she’s just learned not to let it show.

// She loves to meet new people. Whether she’s chatting to strangers or meeting and hanging out with new friends, to her these interactions are just part of the experience of traveling. She isn’t trying to make you uncomfortable or jealous by being around so many new people, she honestly just likes to meet new friends to explore and share stories with. Besides, she’ll allow you the freedom to do the same.

// She may have gotten good at being alone but that doesn’t mean she wants to be. If no one will go with her, she’ll happily travel by herself because she doesn’t want to miss out on her dreams, but she would love a travel companion to go on adventures with her and share her travel stories with. It just might take her a little while to warm up to having a companion because she’s scared of being locked down or of being criticized for the alternative lifestyle she has chosen.

// She’ll love you for you. She’s been to so many places, seen so many things, and met so many wonderful people and yet the fact that the world is so large and that there’s still so much left to explore is humbling to her. She loves the world for what it is, even though she’s seen it’s imperfections and knows there’s more of it out there. Likewise, she loves you for who you are, so there’s no need for you to do more or be more because in her eyes, what you are is enough.

// She doesn’t ‘need’ you, but she still ‘wants’ you. To need something is to be unable to exist without it. That’s not her. She’s capable of taking care or herself, she knows how to be in charge of her own happiness, she doesn’t need to be with you all the time and doesn’t need you to fill a void in her being. However, she likes you, she finds you fun, and she wants you to be a part of her life. And just because she can take care of herself, doesn’t mean she always wants to.

// She doesn’t want you to give her the world. That’s a gift she’s already given to herself. She just wants you to explore it with her. Don’t shower her with flowers and jewelry and chocolate, she has no use for those material possessions. Instead she enjoys the simple things. Give her adventures and experiences and she’ll be the happiest girl alive.

// She will always follow her heart. And she wants you to do the same. She’ll help you and encourage you to turn your own dreams into reality.

// She means it when she says ‘I love you’. She’s met so many people and experienced so many different things so for her to commit to you and allow you to be something stable in her wild life means she really does love you. This isn’t a decision she makes lightly, so by saying this to you she’s telling you that being with you is more important to her than even her wildest adventures.

A girl who travels carries a lot of passion in her heart. She’s experienced so many people, places, and situations and because of this she has the ability to excite you on every level. Her passion for living such a wonderful life means she will love you more intensely than you could ever imagine. And if you are capable of loving this wandering soul, then know that she will leave footprints on your heart in ways you’ve never experienced before.


Can you think of any other traits that might represent the nomadic women of the world?


What You Need To Know Before You Fall In Love With A Girl Who Travels

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